1. Tax accounting
- Optimizing payable taxes in accordance with state regulations.
- Minimizing the risk of fines from tax authorities.
- Consulting – compiling – completing all accounting records.
- Declaration and submission of tax returns, tax finalization,…
- Prepare and submit financial statements.
- Explanation of tax inspection data.
2. General accounting
- Consulting on accounting professional processes for each type of business.
- Consulting on issuing, controlling the validity and legality of documents and circulating in the right order.
- Control of accounting documents.
- Prepare weekly, monthly, quarterly reports or ad hoc reports at the request of the Board of Directors.
3. Management accounting
- Reviewing the accounting department’s processes.
- Analyzing business situations.
- Building norms of basic cost groups in the operation of an enterprise.
- Calculating break-even point, COGS, cost, selling price.
- Budget consulting and control.
- Giving warnings to administrators about vulnerabilities in the apparatus, operation, and risks to the financial health of the business.
4. Financial statement review
- Financial statement review
5. Financial statement review
- Reviewing, evaluating and re-evaluating accounting records.
- Consulting insurance, labor contract…
- Business appraisal.
- Tax refund process & procedures.
- Borrowing capital from parent company abroad.
- Dissolution, consolidation of enterprises.
1. Strategic consulting
- Business strategy consulting.
- Strategic management consulting.
- Transforming business model.
- Economic policy.
- Organizational strategy.
- Function strategy.
2. Financial risk management
- Market risk.
- Credit risk.
- Payment risk.
- Operational risk.
- Inventory risk.
3. Financial risk management
- Model of the organizational structure of the apparatus.
- Organizational management.
- Sales and marketing.
- Supply chain.
- Business process management.
- Research and development.
- Management of outsourcing.
Set-up and training Accounting – Finance & Logistics
- Recruiting and training accounting staff / employees of the import-export department according to the needs and types of businesses;
- Surveying the working process of the existing accounting department / import-export department staff, advising on the optimal process;
- Setting up the apparatus, designing the operating process;
- Professionalize the staff with full professional skills, soft skills, professional ethics.
- Finding a place to build a factory.
- Negotiating land lease contracts for industrial zones or industrial clusters at preferential prices.
- Consulting and implementing registration procedures for investment licenses and permits.
- Business registration.
- Advice on loan procedures for the parent company.
- Tax refund.
- Outsourced financial and accounting solutions, outsourced import and export.
- Consulting on recruiting high-quality personnel.
- Management consulting for issues arising in the process of business and operation.